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Monday, May 10, 2010

Get Out of A Rut of Bad Luck - LeAnn Hilgers Motivational Minute™

It’s time for LeAnn Hilgers Motivational Minute™

Do you have just one minute to hear how you can get out of a rut of bad luck?
Last year was a very difficult year for many of us. People tell me over and over how they felt like they were kicked down and just when they got up and started dusting themselves off, they were kicked again….and again!
This is a new year, a new spring and it’s time to stop the hurricane!
Here are 3 tips for changing your fortune:
1. Step off of the treadmill! Get out of survival mode. You cannot succeed running around like a headless chicken. Being in crisis will hinder not help. So just step off of the treadmill.
Make up your mind the bad luck stops now! Not tomorrow and not maybe, the bad luck stops now! You are due for some good luck. The good luck starts now.
2. When something you perceive as bad happens, understand you might be seeing the results of your earlier mindset and actions. Take a deep breath and stop your crisis. Figure out what you can learn from the situation. Find a way the situation will benefit you. Remember, it is always calm in the eye of the hurricane.

3. Expect a miracle. Maybe just maybe, a miracle can happen here. Maybe just maybe, it is your turn for a miracle.

People are dying to business, right now, so let’s do some business and get this economy moving again!
Remember, your life is far too valuable and precious to waste even one minute by not living your dream!
What if what is meant for you is bigger and better than anything you can imagine? ™

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