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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Free Your Creative Genius!

Do you have just one minute to hear how you can improve you life and work?

Do you have a creative side? Is there a imaginative part of you which is inspired to express itself?

Everyone is creative and imaginative in their own way. Stifling your creativity can make you feel lethargic, depressed and unmotivated. It can drain the energy from other areas of your life.

Here are 3 ways you can begin to expand your creativity:
1. Try something new – take a different way home from work, try new food, prepare a new food dish, go for a walk in nature, take up a new hobby,
2. Try a new hobby which requires you to express yourself, such as , singing, painting or acting.
3. When working or doing everyday chores think of different ways of accomplishing tasks, either better or in a more fun way.
By expressing your creativity you can put a valve on stress, increase your problem solving abilities, practice mental gymnastics and inspire more happiness in to your life. The point of creativity is to have fun and be inspired!

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