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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Motivational Minute TM

Do you have just one minute to hear how you can keep your kids safe this Halloween?
Everyone wants to have a safe and happy Halloween. This is a fun holiday! So let’s stay safe, accident-free and enjoyable for everyone!
Here are 3 safety tips:
1. Consider visiting houses when it's still light out but remember give your child a flashlight with new batteries.

2. Make sure you explain to your children they need to be respectful of other people, children and pets as well as other people’s property. Peer pressure can sometimes motivate things to get out of hand but it can be very harmful and distressing to others.

3. Make sure you set a time for your older children should be home and they know how important it is for them to be home on time.

Remember to check to candy for dangerous items and of course, read all labels if your children have food allergies.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Vice, Virtue and Lust: Grave Stories from the Cemetery!

It’s Halloween and it’s time for scary stories!

You are not going to want to miss a scary, weird and hilarious minute of this show!

Historian, and Museum Educator Belinda Crowson, author of Vice, Virtue and Lust: Lethbridge’s Cemeteries has compiled an amazing collection of fascinating historical stories about this town’s incredible …and almost forgotten past. Explore the history of the local graveyards, ghost stories, rum running and the “Red Light District” and laugh with our exceedingly entertaining special guest.

Join LeAnn and Belinda Crowson, on the Dream Big Revolution™ and have fun this Halloween!


Podcast at: www.leannhilgers.com click on the show banner!

Ghost Motivational MinuteTM

Do you have just one minute to find out how you can help your child overcome fear?

Many small children are afraid of the dark. It is a very difficult challenge to convince them there is nothing to be afraid of, or are not ghosts or “bad” things in the dark when they hear about it from friends, see it on tv and movies.

A fear of the dark can be very debilitating to a young child! Until your child is old enough to discuss their fears and rationalize them away, here are 3 tips to help empower them:

1. Let them tell you what they are afraid of - in their own words, and listen without minimizing. Acknowledge their fears. They are very real to your child!
2. Empower them! Ask them to imagine themselves in a situation where they have power over what they fear. For example, on your cartoon, your favourite character sprayed the bad guy with goo. Pretend you are spraying the ghost with goo to make it go away. Laughing at something is very empowering.
3. Buy some “Anti-Ghost Spray”! Where do you buy ghost spray? Any store! Put a picture of a ghost over the label of a bottle of perfume or air freshener. Empower your child by letting them spray the Anti-Ghost Spray and say “Get Lost Ghost!

Whenever they smell the spray, they know they are ghost free. You may want to remind them it is very powerful so they don’t spray an overwhelming amount.

BTW, Anti-Ghost Spray can also work as Anti Monster, Anti BoogieMan and Anti Zombi spray!

Spooktacular Halloween Stories!

Spooktacular Halloween Stories!

It’s Halloween and it’s time to have some fun!

First, hear about the fascinating Winchester Mystery House! In 1884, a wealthy widow named Sarah L. Winchester, the Winchester Rifle heiress, began a construction project of such magnitude it was to occupy the lives of carpenters and craftsmen until her death thirty-eight years later. The Victorian mansion, is filled with incredible unexplained oddities and architectural marvels.

Then, hear spooky stories and the enchanting history of the Empress Theatre, the oldest theatre in Alberta, Canada. The theatre started in 1910, during the great boom. It was hailed as a "new opera house", and a "first class theatre "with "every modern accessory", including orchestra pit and artistic furnishings. Some say spirits now reside in the classic theatre!

You are not going to want to miss a spooky, amazing and fascinating minute of this show!

Join LeAnn on the Dream Big Revolution™ and have fun this Halloween! Boo!



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Free Your Creative Genius!

Do you have just one minute to hear how you can improve you life and work?

Do you have a creative side? Is there a imaginative part of you which is inspired to express itself?

Everyone is creative and imaginative in their own way. Stifling your creativity can make you feel lethargic, depressed and unmotivated. It can drain the energy from other areas of your life.

Here are 3 ways you can begin to expand your creativity:
1. Try something new – take a different way home from work, try new food, prepare a new food dish, go for a walk in nature, take up a new hobby,
2. Try a new hobby which requires you to express yourself, such as , singing, painting or acting.
3. When working or doing everyday chores think of different ways of accomplishing tasks, either better or in a more fun way.
By expressing your creativity you can put a valve on stress, increase your problem solving abilities, practice mental gymnastics and inspire more happiness in to your life. The point of creativity is to have fun and be inspired!

LeAnn Hilgers Motivational Minute™ is brought to you by: Bioplex Nutrition Your source for Quality Health and Nutritional Supplements that work
visit Bioplexnutiotion.com
Your one stop protein shop!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do you know your life's purpose?

Do you know what your purpose is in life? Are you working at your dream job?
Do you have just 1 minute to hear how you can start?
We get so caught up in our day-to-day lives we sometimes forget to dream.
Responsibilities, duties and chores can fill our day until we find the day is gone. Time slips by until one day we look back at the past week/month/year or worse, decade, and wonder why we haven’t gotten farther ahead.
Here are three questions to help figure out your purpose in life:
1. What is your dream job?
2. If you had no limitations – all the money in the world, no obligations or responsibilities, and could do anything you wanted, what would you do?
3. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Do what you love and figure out a way to get paid for it.
If you focus on helping others while meeting your dreams, you will surely be leading a purposeful life, full of meaning, and abundant in many ways.

LeAnn Hilgers Motivational Minute™ is brought to you by: Bioplex Nutrition Your source for Quality Health and Nutritional Supplements that work
visit Bioplexnutrition.com
Your one stop protein shop!