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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vice, Virtue and Lust: Grave Stories from the Cemetery!

 It’s Halloween and it’s time for scary stories!
You are not going to want to miss a scary, weird and hilarious minute of this show!
Historian, and Museum Educator Belinda Crowson, author of Vice, Virtue and Lust: Lethbridge’s Cemeteries has compiled an amazing collection of fascinating historical stories about this town’s incredible …and almost forgotten past.

Explore the history of the local graveyards, ghost stories, rum running and the “Red Light District” and laugh with our exceedingly entertaining special guest.

Join LeAnn and Belinda Crowson, on the Dream Big Revolution™ and have fun this Halloween! BOO!

Halloween Stories! The Winchester Mystery House and The Empress Theatre

  • It’s Halloween and it’s time to have some fun on the Dream Big Revolution!
First, hear about the fascinating Winchester Mystery House! In 1884, a wealthy widow named Sarah L. Winchester, the Winchester Rifle heiress, began a construction project of such magnitude it was to occupy the lives of carpenters and craftsmen until her death thirty-eight years later. The Victorian mansion, is filled with incredible unexplained oddities and architectural marvels.
Then, hear spooky stories and the enchanting history of the Empress Theatre, the oldest theatre in Alberta, Canada. The theatre started in 1910, during the great boom. It was hailed as a "new opera house", and a "first class theatre "with "every modern accessory", including orchestra pit and artistic furnishings. Some say spirits now reside in the classic theatre!
You are not going to want to miss a spooky, amazing and fascinating minute of this show!

Join LeAnn  on the Dream Big Revolution™ and have fun this Halloween! Boo!