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Monday, December 14, 2009

Wealth Writer's Wisdom - Chicken Soup For The Soul author Mark Victor Hansen

Wealthy Writer’s Wisdom!

Do you ever dream of writing your own book? Movie? Play? Have you ever told someone their story would make a wonderful book or movie? Do you want to be published? Have you tried to publish a book but met up with obstacles and barriers? Do you feel like you don’t know where to start?
Chicken Soup For The Soul author, Mark Victor Hansen will tell you how! He has created the Wealthy Writer’s Wisdom seminar for you! Hear publishing secrets from one of the most successful publishers of all time! This show could catapult you to achieve your most dreams! There is a book in you! The world needs it, and you are the only one who can create it! Mark’s goal is to help you to create an income so large, you will blink with astonishment and pinch yourself to make sure you are not dreaming!
Join LeAnn and her special guests, Mark Victor Hansen on the Dream Big Revolution™ and learn the secrets to Wealthy Writer’s Wisdom!

The Dream Big Revolution™ as well as LeAnn Hilgers Motivational Minute™ can be heard online at: http://www.7thwavenetwork.com or can be downloaded from http://www.LeAnnHilgers.com.

Chicken Soup For The Soul author Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul author Mark Victor Hansen to be interviewed on the Dream Big Revolution on VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Network

Mark Victor Hansen to be featured on The Dream Big Revolution with LeAnn Hilgers on The 7th Wave Network on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 9 AM Pacific Time.

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) December 12, 2009 -- Modavox, Inc. (OTCBB:MDVX - News), top-rated radio show host and popular motivational speaker, LeAnn Hilgers, today announced Mark Victor Hansen will join LeAnn Hilgers, host of The Dream Big Revolution radio program on 7th Wave Network (http://www.7thwavenetwork.com) Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 9 AM Pacific Time/ Noon Eastern Time.

Hansen and Hilgers will be discussing creating wealth through writing. They will encourage listeners to start working on their dreams and they support the "writer in everyone." Hansen holds the Guinness World Record for the most Best-Selling Non-Fiction at one time. Established as a cultural icon in 1990, Mark Hansen and his business partner Jack Canfield created what Time magazine called, "the publishing phenomenon of the decade," with over 170 titles in 41 languages and 157 million Chicken Soup for the Soul books sold worldwide - one of the most successful publishing franchises of all time.

"My goal is to help you to create an income so large that when you see the results, you will blink with astonishment and pinch yourself to make sure that you are not dreaming" claims Mark Victor Hansen. Hansen's new "Wealthy Writer's Wisdom Seminar" provides a step-by-step guide for writing and publishing success, in all areas - books, movies, plays, and even blogs. Hilgers and Hansen will discuss key success strategies and the secret to leaping past barriers and pitfalls to getting published.

Hilgers offers life strategies and easy guides for living your dream life. She is a well-known inspirational speaker, television and radio host who survived a deadly illness to later become a national martial arts champion and strategy professor. The Dream Big Revolution™ as well as LeAnn Hilgers Motivational Minute™ can be heard online at: http://www.7thwavenetwork.com or can be downloaded from http://www.LeAnnHilgers.com.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Micheal Losier of Oprah and Friends

Do you want a better life? Do you have a few minutes to learn how to get more of what you want out of life? Is there a science to attracting what you want?

Micheal Losier has been studied and researched the subject of the Law of Attraction since 1996. Michael hosted his own radio show on Oprah and Friends from Jan-Dec 2008. He has conducted hundreds of TeleClasses to over 4,000 people worldwide and has taught thousands in live seminars. As the author of a Canadian National bestseller book, Law of Attraction - The Science of Attracting More of “What You Want and Less of What You Don't”, Micheal has become a world renown expert on the Law of Attraction.

Join LeAnn and her guest Micheal Losier on the Dream Big Revolution™ and Stop Wasting Time! Get What You Want! Live Your Dream Life! The GUTS To Succeed! You Got It!

Law of Excellence!™©

So many people ask me about how to survive in difficult times.
Be Excellent!
You will set yourself apart form your competitors.
Don’t you want something more for yourself?
If you really want to know how to make things happen and how to attract more health, wealth and happiness, try practicing the Law of Excellence!™©
If you are excellent, people will be attracted to you. People will want to work with you.
Excellence is about raising the bar.
Excellence is about wanting something more for yourself. In all areas of your life.
So be Excellent!
LeAnn Hilgers 2009 All Rights Reserved