Motivational Radio
Friday, November 23, 2012
8pm EST/5pm PST
Cory Johnson inspires us to turn disabilities into possibilities.
Learn about the 4 types of disabilities we use to limit ourselves and how we can champion them to succeed.
Born with Cerebral Palsy and suffering a stroke at age 11, Cory has endured misperceptions of his abilities everywhere from the playground to the business world.
Cory is now a successful public speaker, delivering his message of encouragement and hope. Cory’s infuses his story is with heart-felt inspiration and lots of gentle humour. If Cory can turn his disabilities into possibilities, so can YOU!
Join us on the Dream Big Revolution™ and learn how you, too, can live your dreams!
Stop Wasting Time! Get What You Want! The GUTS to Succeed – You Got It!
For Immediate Release (02/24/2011):
Anthony Hosking
LeAnn Hilgers
Kiwi Earthquake Survivors Need Your Help
Motivational Radio launches international aid campaign for earthquake survivors and families. Details to be announced During the premier of the Dream Big Revolution™ at 6 pm EST Friday, March 4.
CHRISTCHURCH, NZ, Feb. 24, 2011. A national state of emergency was declared after a massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake pounded the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The ground is still shaking from hundreds of devastating aftershocks as reports of more than 100 people have been declared dead and hundreds more are missing. Reports from the area show buildings piled on top of people, bodies lying in the streets, no essential services – including no water, power or sewer service, and terrifying videos of injured people scrambling to avoid falling debris from damaged buildings. All of this follows a devastating 7.1 quake last September and its more than 3000 after-shocks.
Why should we care about a tiny country so far away from the rest of the world? We have our own problems!
The answer is: disaster can happen anywhere. The painful memories of New Orleans, Haiti and Indonesia still burn in our minds. The next disaster could happen in your own back yard. If we don’t care, who will!
The real question is how can we help?
The highly popular Motivational Radio, headquartered in Christchurch, New Zealand, is launching a coordinated appeal to raise money and aid to help the victims of this terrible tragedy. Listen in to motivational radio to hear how you can help make a difference in the lives of the survivors! The Dream Big Revolution™ hosted by LeAnn Hilgers, will be launching its Motivational Radio syndication, premiering on Friday, March 4 at 6 pm EST/12 noon March 5 New Zealand time, with an interview with Motivational Radio’s founder, Anthony Hosking, to discuss how help can be provided. Anthony will relive the events for listeners telling us first-hand what it is like to be living in the middle of a national disaster. Celebrity guests will rally their support.
“There is nothing we love more than helping other people,” claims Hilgers, “After living in New Zealand for two years, I think of it as another home. New Zealand has a special place in my heart - in all of our hearts, and we need to stand together and show the good people of Christchurch we do not forget the fallen!”
Donations can also be made through:
The Red Cross
For more information, tune in to:
Keywords: Christchurch, New Zealand, Earthquake, Kiwi, Red Cross, Dream, Dream Big Revolution, Motivational Radio, dreams, Law of Excellence, Law of Attraction, Motivation, Purpose, Radio, Television, TV
At the dawn of a new year, I often wonder what the new year will bring. This year, as with every year, I am hopeful for good times, prosperity and success. Will the new year bring adventure? Will it bring peace?
Last year was a very difficult year for many people. For many, it was a year of changes, challenges, transitions, coping and financial difficulties. Difficulties force us to re-evaluate, to become more efficient and effective. Many of us have had to re-group and re-focus. Re-inventing ourselves is often a tiresome, stressful process - after all, birth is painful and messy but often results in joys we could not have previously imagined. I truly believe we have found the “bottom” of the recession, if we continue to look towards a great future.
Many experts advise us to be grateful, however, sometimes when we are going through difficult times, it is especially difficult to be grateful. The best way to heal from a situation is to balance the difficulties with the "affirmative." For example, gratitude heals resentment; hope heals despair; pride heals defeat; dignity heals misdeeds; and confidence and courage heals rejection and fear.
All of these mindsets can be chosen.
Many entrepreneurs are “born” out of difficult financial times. People who find themselves out of work, for example, might feel forced to start a business and soon they find running a business is the most difficult, yet rewarding undertaking they have faced. You may also find yourself faced with a monumental challenge, disguised as the opportunity to create the life of your dreams. Big decisions are accompanied by independence and opportunity to chase new directions.
There are many things we cannot control in this world. We can, however, control how we let events affect our life. How we bring things into our own private world and keep events in our world is our own choice. We may not be able to control much of what happened the past few months, or events outside of us but, how the events are integrated into our life, used, defined and resolved are very much within our control.
How can we ensure this new year will bring the good things we want from life?
How can we ensure joy, inspiration and passion for ourselves?
Last year, many of us were consumed with crisis. We were plagued with questions like: How will we feed our families? Can I find extra work to pay my mortgage? How will I cope with my family problems? While we were busy feeding the goose that lays the proverbial golden egg, we lost sight of the actual golden egg.
Fundamental life questions were set aside while we took care of the sometimes harsh realities of life.
What do I want?
What makes me happy?
What is my dream career?
Why am I on this earth? (i.e., what is my purpose, reason for being, mission?)
Most importantly,
Do my actions support the answers to these fundamental questions?
Recently, I was reminded of something I used to say, “I’m so fortunate, I get to do _________, today.” Fill your day, with the completed version of this statement and “taking care of the realities of life,” will start taking care of themselves. Work is not really “work” when it is inspired and passionate.
As the new year dawns, cure the past gratitude, hope, pride, dignity, confidence and courage.
Then ask yourself,
what will I bring to this new year?
Have a truly happy, new year!
The GUTS TO Succeed! On Motivational Radio
LeAnn Hilgers and Anthony Hoskings of reveal the secrets to success in an interview airing Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 7.30pm EST/5:30PST
SAN FRANCISCO, CA Oct 3, 2010 – top-rated radio show host and popular motivational speaker, LeAnn Hilgers announced her appearance on the very trendy Motivational Radio, with Anthony Hoskings.
Anthony and LeAnn will reveal simple systems and tried and true tools for your success arsenal. Hilgers claims, “This show will inspire you to start your dream live and then give you the tools to make your dreams a reality.”
Motivational Radio was founded 13 months ago, by Anthony Hoskings, and has reached unimaginable levels of success with millions of daily listeners and hundreds of thousands of hits to the website:
Hoskings wants people to know we can all get what we want out of life if we give it out ‘laser-like’ focus. “It is beyond imagination what Anthony has been able to accomplish in such a short time!” Hilgers adds, “The recession is ending. It’s time we start getting what we want out of life. Keep an eye an out for us; we are only just beginning this adventure!”
Hilgers is a well-known inspirational speaker, television and radio host who survived a deadly illness to later become a national martial arts champion and strategy professor. LeAnn Hilgers was the host of a top rated show on the world’s largest online radio network, the Dream Big Revolution.™ Hilgers offers life strategies and easy guides for living your dream life. It is our mission to turn this economy around, so everyone can be and feel successful! In order to do this, I am bringing you the best tools, to help you achieve! Her website is
The interview can be heard at: on the October the 5th at 7.30 EST